I love a good pie chart, so colourful, so informative, so I give you various pie charts which chart YeLPar's visitor/viewer stats. Riveting I know.

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A top effort by Ireland, bumping the USA out of 2nd spot. You know who you are, yes you do.

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This is interesting seeing that Korea didn't even warrant a mention in the country stats, unless of course Taiwanese speak Korean! ...Huh!?!

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Great to see Vista making serious inroads...............or not. To the Windows 2000 people, let it go man....it's gone....okay, move on.

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Safari who?

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It's obvious that the big screen TV revolution hasn't moved to PC monitors.....yet. Christ, 1920 x 1200, that's huge.

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I had to, otherwise you would have thought I was a geek.................am I right?


Irishman said…
woohoo! Fame is mine!
Anonymous said…
what are you getting those stats from. Is that the blogger standard stats?
stu said…
Nah not blogger, see on the right under my Flickr photos bagde where it says 19328 visitors, that's my stat counter, a company called sitemeter. If you click on it it should take you to the home page, sign up, (its free) and get your own stat counter for your blog, you get all those stats plus much much more.

Its pretty good